Transcendentalna meditacija naravno zmanjšuje stres

Negativni učinki stresa dokazano zmanjšujejo učinkovitost, vnašajo napetosti v odnose in povzročajo telesna obolenja. Na kratko, stres nam preprečuje, da bi uživali v življenju, in v našem umu in telesu se nabira skozi vse življenje. To pomeni, da noč dobrega spanca ali daljše počitnice niso dovolj, da bi si lahko povsem opomogli.

Znanstvene raziskave so pokazale, da Transcendentalna meditacija nudi globlji in bolj koherenten počitek kot druge sprostitve – ustvarja stanje mirne budnosti, ki odplakne stres ter osveži um in telo. Telesni odziv med Transcendentalno meditacijo je ravno nasproten telesnemu odzivu na stres, kar pomaga odpravljati negativne učinke stresa.

Raziskava Univerze v Standfordu

Transcendentalna meditacija se je pokazala za dvakrat bolj uspešno od drugih tehnik pri zmanjševanju stresa in anksioznosti.

Metaanaliza 146 neodvisnih raziskav je bila objavljena v znanstveni reviji Journal of Clinical Psychology (Št. 45 (1989): str. 957–974).

Research Funded and Supported
Jerry Seinfeld on ABC

Bolj miren odziv na stres

Ker je vsak posameznik drugačen, se uravnotežujoči učinki Transcendentalne meditacije pri različnih ljudeh kažejo na različne načine, na primer: manj glavobolov, boljši spanec, več energije, izboljšani medosebni odnosi. Obstaja pa zelo pomemben pozitiven učinek, ki se pokaže pri skoraj vseh, in sicer: po učenju Transcendentalne meditacije se ljudje bolje spoprijemajo s stresnimi situacijami.

Kako Transcendentalna meditacija odpravlja stres (6 min)
Dr. Oz, srčni kirurg

Raziščite dobrobiti

Znanstvene raziskave

Naredite prvi
korak ...

Poišči učitelja

Seznam krajev

Dr William Weir, Consultant
Dr. William Weir

Consultant in infectious diseases

"Psychological stress has many adverse physical effects on the human body including a direct and damaging influence on the immune system. The practice of Transcendental Meditation relieves stress and is therefore highly recommended for its life-enhancing value."

"TM je edina meditacija, ki dokazano znižuje visok krvni tlak."

Poglej članek

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Maharishi Foundation Inc.

Transcendental Meditation Logo

Beyond Medications and Diet: Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure

Summary of Policy Statement Issued by the American Heart Association

A new report from the American Heart Association published on 22 April 2013 concluded that the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique lowers blood pressure and recommends that the TM technique may be considered in clinical practice for the prevention and treatment of hypertension.

The purpose of the report, entitled "Beyond Medications and Diet Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association," is to inform physicians which alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure (BP) have been shown by research to be effective.

After considering meta-analyses and the latest clinical trials on different types of meditation, the report stated that while the Transcendental Meditation technique is recommended to lower BP, there is not enough scientific evidence to recommend other meditation or relaxation techniques.

The AHA's recent scientific statement reports:
"Because of many negative studies or mixed results and a paucity of available trials, all other meditation techniques (including MBSR) received a ‘Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C' recommendation. Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in clinical practice to lower BP at this time."

"This is an important breakthrough in the evolution of medical practice, since it is the first time that the Transcendental Meditation technique has been recognised and recommended for consideration by a national medical organisation that provides professional practice guidelines to physicians, health care payers, and policymakers," said Robert Schneider, MD, FACC, director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention who has been the principal investigator for several research studies on the Transcendental Meditation technique and cardiovascular disease. "This type of guideline statement has been what health insurance companies have been requesting for many years."