Razvijanje ustvarjalnih možganov

Niste se rodili z dokončno ustvarjenimi možgani. Prek naravnih procesov odraščanja in izkušanjami se vaši možgani v vsakem trenutku ustvarjajo na novo, da lahko podpirajo vse vaše mišljenje, odločanje in obnašanje. Stalno nastajanje vaših možganov je dinamičen.

Izkušnja mirne budnosti med Transcendentalno meditacijo ustvarja optimalne pogoje za razvoj vašega polnega potenciala ter največje možne inteligence in kreativnosti povsem brez napora, obenem pa varuje možgane pred škodljivimi učinki stresa.

Potopite se navznoter

Zavest in ustvarjalnost
(4 minute)
David Lynch, filmski ustvarjalec

"Transcendentalna meditacija je preprost, nenaporen način, da se potopite vase, izkusite ocean čiste zavesti, čiste kreativnosti, čistega védenja. Je edinstvena izkušnja, hkrati pa tudi poznana – vaš lasten Jaz."

David Lynch, režiser in predsednik Fundacije Davida Lyncha za izobrazbo na podlage zavesti in mir na svetu (David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace)

Večja ustvarjalnost

Posamezniki, ki so se naučili Transcendentalne meditacije, so v primerjavi s kontrolno skupino pokazali povečano ustvarjalnost, izmerjeno z večjo stopnjo slikovne originalnosti po petih mesecih vadbe. Večjo ustvarjalnost so pokazali tudi glede na kriterije slikovne fleksibilnosti in besednega izražanja (ni na diagramu.

The Journal of Creative Behaviour
1979 13:169–180

video: Oprah on TM

Transcendirajoči možgani« (6 min)
Dr. Fred Travis, direktor Centra za možgane, zavest in zaznavanje (Center for Brain, Consciousness and Cognition)

Naredite prvi
korak ...

Poišči učitelja

Seznam krajev

Claire Winteringham

Poklicna umetnica

"Menim, da je slikanje z vodenimi barvami zelo čista oblika umetnosti. Za to potrebuješ prostor v glavi, jasen um in tišino. Transcendentalna meditacija mi resnično zelo pomaga pri vsem tem in omogoča mojemu slikanju, da teče bolj ustvarjalno in spontano."

"TM je edina meditacija, ki dokazano znižuje visok krvni tlak."

Poglej članek

Transcendental Meditation Logo

Maharishi Foundation Inc.

Transcendental Meditation Logo

Beyond Medications and Diet: Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure

Summary of Policy Statement Issued by the American Heart Association

A new report from the American Heart Association published on 22 April 2013 concluded that the Transcendental Meditation (TM) technique lowers blood pressure and recommends that the TM technique may be considered in clinical practice for the prevention and treatment of hypertension.

The purpose of the report, entitled "Beyond Medications and Diet Alternative Approaches to Lowering Blood Pressure: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association," is to inform physicians which alternative approaches to lowering blood pressure (BP) have been shown by research to be effective.

After considering meta-analyses and the latest clinical trials on different types of meditation, the report stated that while the Transcendental Meditation technique is recommended to lower BP, there is not enough scientific evidence to recommend other meditation or relaxation techniques.

The AHA's recent scientific statement reports:
"Because of many negative studies or mixed results and a paucity of available trials, all other meditation techniques (including MBSR) received a ‘Class III, no benefit, Level of Evidence C' recommendation. Thus, other meditation techniques are not recommended in clinical practice to lower BP at this time."

"This is an important breakthrough in the evolution of medical practice, since it is the first time that the Transcendental Meditation technique has been recognised and recommended for consideration by a national medical organisation that provides professional practice guidelines to physicians, health care payers, and policymakers," said Robert Schneider, MD, FACC, director of the Institute for Natural Medicine and Prevention who has been the principal investigator for several research studies on the Transcendental Meditation technique and cardiovascular disease. "This type of guideline statement has been what health insurance companies have been requesting for many years."